Top 10 Disaster States



double hurricanes US


Below are results from various US government data that look at the Top 10 US States with the most natural disasters by 1) square miles, and 2) population.  See the explanations below.  Although both methods demonstrate that natural disaster are rare, when these occur the destruction can be devastating and fatal.






Top 10 States with the most natural disasters per square miles, since 1953.


This list takes into account the number of disasters per square miles for each state.  Although this is not a traditional way of looking at natural disaster data, this method takes into account the size of the state in square miles and the number of disasters and shows the ratio between them.  Simply stated, smaller states will appear more dangerous because they may have a larger ratio of natural disasters per square mile.



State  Disasters by Square Miles
District of Columbia 0.2794
Rhode Island 0.0173
Delaware 0.0099
Hawaii 0.0070
New Jersey 0.0063
Connecticut 0.0060
Massachussetts 0.0057
New Hampshire 0.0048
Vermont 0.0043
Maryland 0.0029




Top 10 states with the most natural disasters per population size (since 1953).



This list shows the number of disasters per person by state.  This method of looking at natural disasters is another unorthodox method that looks at the total population of a state and the number of natural disasters.  So in essences this calculation gives you the number of natural disasters per person, of course (and fortunately), a very minute number.   You could multiply the ratio by 100,000 and get the number of disasters 100,000 people.  This would yield 7.8 natural disasters per 100,000 people for South Dakota, and so on.  This method makes states with the smallest populations seem more dangerous but this may not necessarily be the case since many of states with the largest area in square miles have some of the smallest populations (i.e. Alaska, Wyoming, South Dakota, etc.).  Of course, the larger geographic area means more probability of a natural disaster occurring within its state borders.





Disasters per Population
South Dakota 0.000078
Alaska 0.000076
North Dakota 0.000075
Vermont 0.000065
Montana 0.000065
Wyoming 0.000045
Oklahoma 0.000044
Maine 0.000042
New Mexico 0.000038
New Hampshire 0.000034



Sources: FEMA, 2010 US Census, USGS.


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